
Hi! I am Nina, a 4th-year PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems where I am advised by Dr. Manuel Gomez Rodriguez and at ETH Zurich where I am co-advised by Prof. Dr. Niko Beerenwinkel under the ELLIS PhD Program. My research interests lie in the design of collaborative decision-support systems to improve human-decision making, leveraging tools from machine learning, causality and uncertainty estimation. My research is particularly motivated by the application of such systems in healthcare in order to improve patient care.

I am currently doing a research visit at the MPI of Biochemistry hosted by Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt.


  • My academic background is in computer science from ETH Zurich with focus on theoretical computer science, randomized algorithms and probabilistic methods.
  • I am half Brazilian and half German and lived for 9 years in both countries; I have also lived in Switzerland, South Korea, and Australia.